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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Business Analyst PT Clariant Indonesia di Jakarta juni 2014


Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Business Analyst PT Clariant Indonesia di Jakarta juni 2014 - Selamat pagi hari ini kami akan memberi info lowongan kerja sebagai Business Analyst dari PT Clariant Indonesia yang bergerak dibidang kimia dan sebuah perusahaan yang berasal dari swiss.
(Based in Tangerang)
Job Responsibilities :
  • To establish a KPI dashboard for the commercial functions, providing a detailed data analyses that support the sales organization to identify improvement areas, market related analyses to enable the organization to grow the business profitability into new segments.
Competencies Required :
  • Minimum Bachelor degree from any discipline. Graduate from Master degree in Finance, Economics, Business, or Engineering would be an advantage. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
  • Strong analytical skills, exhibit ability and interest in working cooperatively with colleagues
  • Tend to take initiative and being tactical to solve a problem
  • Perform advanced skills in MS. Excel, Word, and Power point. Having knowledge on SAP and Oracle system would be preferred
  • Demonstrate an excellent English proficiency
  • Willing to work at Tangerang

If you meet the above-mentioned qualifications, please send your CV with a detailed career history and recent photograph to:
Only application sent to email that will be processed and only short listed candidate will be notified

Sekian info lowongan kerja pada hari kamis ini. Tetap update info lowongan kerja terupdate dan terakurat bersama kami. terima kasih

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